Friday, March 23

22 weeks

Ah, Baby Woof is growing and growing. I had a doctor's appt. this past week. I got "great" news...At my appointment next month, I get to have more labwork and ORANGE DREAMSICLE, (a/k/a pukesicle) delight!! Yayyyy! I'm sure you'll all want to come along and watch this. Maybe, Mike will come along and make a video...

22 weeks

Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Your baby's eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks some pigment. Her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is also developing steadily. Your baby's lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. You won't actually see her first tooth until she's around 4 to 7 months old unless she's one of the rare babies who's born with teeth.


Blogger Amy said...

You are so tiny for being so far along! Isn't it exciting? I was so happy to be pregnant with my daughter.

It only gets better every day. Congratulations, and I'm happy to find another C-U blogger!

7:10 AM  
Blogger EdotR said...

You ARE so tiny!!! I totally envy U!! in a good way!!!

I'm so excited!!! Yay!

8:18 AM  
Blogger Momo said...

Mrs. Chicken: So nice to meet you too! And, thanks for the "tiny" comment...I don't really feel tiny but I know I still have a ways to go! :0)

Mary: Thanks too for saying I'm tiny! It's hard for me to believe...I just keep eatin' and eatin'! :0)

1:16 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

You look adorable! This is so exciting!

3:24 PM  

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