Friday, March 30

23 weeks

I guess we're both getting bigger and bigger every day. I read this story on Yahoo yesterday: Pregnant moms' weight affects toddlers. So, I've decided that Baby Woof will probably be an overweight toddler because I am most definitely going to gain, at the very least, the "recommended" amount of weight. I've prepared myself (and my husband) that I'll probably gain 40 lbs. or so. Who knows how high I can go?!?!?

I've gained 20 lbs. so far...if anyone would like to guess how much I'll weigh by the end - I'd like to hear it! Winner gets...ummm...the winner gets...the satisfaction of being right! (I promise not to be offended by any weight gain estimates.)

23 weeks

Your baby is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound. She may be able to feel your movements now, so put on some fun tunes and dance around the house. No matter what race your baby is, her skin is red and wrinkled at this stage and will likely look pink or reddish at birth. Blood vessels that show through your baby's transparent skin cause this coloration. Her true skin tone will develop over the course of her first year.

Blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing to prepare her for breathing, but complete lung development will take many more months. The lungs are the last organ to fully develop in babies. That's why premature babies (those born before 37 weeks) often have such a hard time breathing. Babies born this week have a chance of surviving with the help of intensive medical care, but their risk of serious complications is very high.


Blogger Wendy said...

If you gain like I did, by this point you're more than 2/3 there (weightwise)... so I predict 29 lbs. gain - about a lb. every 2 weeks. Good luck!

11:35 AM  

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