Monday, July 23

Doctor appt. update

Back from the doctor.

He offered to induce me on Wednesday! (Wow - that's quite an offer and it was hard to refuse.) He said he wouldn't let me go any later than Monday, so we're on the schedule for then. Hopefully, she'll come on her own before that time!

I'm at 2cm and 80% effaced. (I'm not sure if he had time to fib today - he had to go deliver two babies!)

They put the monitor on me and determined that Baby Woof is not stressed. So, we wait...

Why didn't I go with Wednesday, again?? ;0)


Blogger The Fashionable Housewife said...

I had an appointment today too. My midwife realized how desperate I am and she asked if I wanted her to strip my membranes.

"Yes! Yes, please!"

That was 6:30 and now it's 9:30... I've had some bleeding and some pretty good contractions and I am hoping this is the start of something good!!

I am really impatient and waiting for the baby to come on her own time doesn't appeal to me. I've been doing everything "her way" for 9 months. It's my turn to get what I want at least one last time.


6:40 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Just a few days! Say hi to her for me... I'll be thinking of you and your family!

6:34 PM  
Blogger prairie biker said...

fyi: you know you're ready when your belly button pops out.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

I heard you had the baby on Saturday. Congrats! Can't wait for the gratuitous baby pix!!

1:20 PM  
Blogger Sven said...

Well you kept that quiet! Congratulations to you both xxx

10:49 AM  

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