Monday, July 23

Still here!

She's still in here...and I'm here at work this morning. I have a doctor's appointment this morning...we'll see what he says. I don't want to induce - I've never thought of that as an option.....buuuuuut I am getting somewhat impatient. Although, I'm not so uncomfortable that I can't stand it. My hands and feet have been swelling at night and that drives me a little crazy, but I really can't complain. I mean, here I am at work a day after my due date. I never thought I'd work this long - thought I'd be propped up on the couch or something by now.

A definite date would be good. I know I can't ask for that though...and the due date passing this weekend was a bummer...

I hope I don't let him talk me into something...but I am a very impatient person too. I also know that inducing doesn't always work, can make labor more painful, creates a higher risk of having a C-section, etc., etc....

I still hope that this appointment will bring some clarity or something. I know we'll talk about options...and I know he's going to give me some speculation (any guess on a cm? I'll say that he'll probably say 3...whether it's true or not!)


Blogger Leighann of Multi-Minding Mom said...

Have him strip your membranes and see if that works. I hear people sometimes have a long labor if they are induced.

Go to Red Lobster and eat a bunch of shellfish!!

10:58 AM  
Blogger Momo said...

Yeah, I would like avoid being induced - I've heard it can be longer and contractions can be stronger/extra painful.

A co-worker said they wouldn't strip her membranes b/c she was dilated and mostly effaced. I didn't ask about it and the doctor didn't offer it to me so I wonder if it would be beneficial at this stage (since I'm supposedly 2cm and 80% effaced). Plus, it really sounds painful to me!! I must not be ready if I'm not ready for that, huh?

1:18 PM  
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4:24 AM  

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